Substance-Use Motivation Ruler Worksheet


Adolescents, Adults

Substance Use Disorder

Substance-Use Motivation Ruler Worksheet


The Substance Use Motivation Ruler is a simple yet impactful instrument that aids individuals in evaluating their current level of motivation concerning substance use. This exercise encourages introspection, helping participants explore internal and external factors influencing their choices and fostering informed decision-making.

Theoretical Basis

The ruler aligns with motivational interviewing (MI) principles, emphasizing the importance of self-reflection, intrinsic motivation, and self-directed change. By visualizing motivation on a continuum, participants gain clarity on their readiness for change, which is a critical factor in behavior modification.

Steps in the Exercise

  1. Understanding the Scale
    • Picture a ruler ranging from 0 to 10.
      • 0 = No motivation.
      • 10 = The highest level of motivation.
    • Mark your position on the scale to indicate where you currently stand regarding motivation for substance use.
  2. Reflect on Influencing Factors
    • After marking your position, reflect on the factors that contribute to your current level of motivation.
    • Ask yourself:
      • Why isn’t your motivation lower?
      • What are the reasons that keep your motivation at this level, even if it’s not very high?
  3. Explore Demotivators
    • If your motivation feels too low, consider the factors that might be hindering your ability to quit substance use.
    • List five challenges or obstacles that reduce your drive to change. Examples might include stress, lack of support, fear of withdrawal, or perceived benefits of substance use.
  4. Reflect on Your Position
    • Use your position on the scale as a starting point for deeper reflection:
      • What would need to change for you to move one step higher on the scale?
      • What small, actionable steps could you take to increase your motivation?

Practical Implications

The Substance Use Motivation Ruler is a versatile tool, suitable for use in therapeutic settings, personal development, and educational workshops. It provides individuals with an accessible way to:

  • Understand their motivations and ambivalence around substance use.
  • Identify factors contributing to their current mindset.
  • Foster self-awareness and readiness for change.

Application in Mental Health and Personal Growth

This tool is particularly effective in:

  • Motivational interviewing to explore readiness for change.
  • Substance use interventions to understand client perspectives.
  • Personal reflection for those contemplating change.

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